February 22, 2013

52 Weeks of Dog Illustrations: Week 8: Corgi

I cannot believe I have finished 8 weeks of dog illustrations! And I've had a lot of people request a corgi. So at your service, friends! Plus, don't puppy corgis look a lot like teddy bears? The CUTEST!

I had to include this close-up of the detailing. I really love this "mosaicy circular" pattern in illustrations. It is a fun texture. I have been playing with it a lot!

Don't forget, I am posting about this project also over at the official website, 52weeksofdogs.com.



February 19, 2013

No News Is No News

It hasn't been a secret that I have been feeling down. I shared about it last week. Sunday, however, I felt a slight reprieve from my persistent state of ennui. Nathan played outside with Violet for over an hour. And towards the end of the afternoon Lucy and I went into the backyard and played with them. Well, I just snapped some photos. 

I keep telling myself that this will be the last February for our family here in Arkansas. But, everyday that goes by without a campus invitation makes me second guess that. It is so hard, being on the other side of Nathan's education. He graduated. A job is supposed to be there. He has done everything right. Made the best out of so many terrible circumstances. Worked hard. Applied for the jobs. Had 1st round interviews. Now almost 6 weeks later still nothing. 

I have seen a few of my friends recently announce that they have received job offers, and they are moving across the country. I am genuinely happy for them. I have a lot to be thankful for. But I am ready for our ship to come in. I am ready to actually celebrate. Ready to plan. Standing still is probably the worst feeling on earth. I have to keep reminding myself that we are okay. 

Our family is healthy and my kids (as evident in these pleasant photos) are growing up and appear to be happy and in one piece. I am a planner. And without having something to look forward to, I feel like I am in a haze. 

So will you hope with me, that maybe this week we will get some good news? Or even bad news. Just some news at all. 


February 17, 2013

Gingiber Tea Towels: Kitchen Accessory or Large Wall Art?

BRAND NEW: Gingiber Fox, Bear, and Barn Owl Tea Towels

I have been slowly plotting my plan to take Gingiber away from the "nursery decor" arena and approach the home wares niche. Personally, I am a sucker for tea towels. I love BIG beautiful towels with gorgeous illustrations. Sometimes I love a pretty towel so much I won't even use it (hint, my Dear Colleen tea towel is hanging on my office wall). 

I introduced 2 towel designs over the holidays (a Caribou & a Deer) and they were a HUGE hit! Especially at holiday shows. So now I feel brave enough to introduce these lovely towels.

I designed these with the idea in mind that they could also double as affordable large wall art. They are square (26 inches) and look really lovely when they are displayed.

I hope that you like them! I am very proud of these designs ;)


February 15, 2013

52 Weeks of Dog Illustrations: Week 7: Dalmatian

Hey everyone. This week I drew a dalmatian. It was my favorite dog as a child. I collected dalmatians. I had around 54 stuffed dalmatians. I shouldn't say had.

I still have them. In plastic tubs. My poor husband inherited my giant stuffed animal collection.

I digress.

Nathan had a dalmatian as a child. Something just seems so right and sweet about a spotted pup.

This week's giveaway winner is: Lauryn Green

*I've decided to no longer give away weekly dog illustrations. Mainly because the cost of shipping internationally has gone up astronomically, and I just don't feel right not being able to offer this gift to my international friends*

I still hope that you will follow along with my 52 Week Project at 52weeksofdogs.com

Thanks so much,


February 12, 2013

Lately (Lots of Words)

So I have not really updated this blog much at all, other than new product updates or promotions. I suppose I never told you all that I moved out of my home office and am now working in some leased space! It is in a safe building, is around 600 square feet, about 4 minutes from my home, and serves as a nice dumping ground for all things Gingiber.

It is not really pretty. Very utilitarian. Filled with metal shelves and folding tables. We can never seem to have enough tables for work space :)

The we, I am referring to, are my lovely helpers, Angela, who is now sewing all of the Gingiber pillows, and Vanessa, my shipping specialist. I have to say, I am not good with change. Or trusting other people to help me. I am not good at letting go of complete control. But these 2 gals are simply wonderful!

I moved out of my house for several reasons. Gingiber had outgrown my spare bedroom. The house was always filled with Uline boxes, unshipped packages, scraps of fabric, etc. Also, I was working 100% of the time. Like in between feeding the kids and showering, I was always thinking about work. I was trying to create some boundaries in my life by separating work and life.

So now I go to my studio 3 days a week, but only for 15 hours a week. And really that is not enough time. In fact, I feel like I am even more stressed than ever. Before the move, I could simply run and do something if I had a spare 15 minutes. Now I am keeping a monstrous to-do list, finding that I am never catching up. There are still a lot of kinks to work out in order to have a smooth operation. But I know this separation is for the best.

Yet, as I mentioned, I am kinda like an unfocused ball of nerves. I don't know what it is, changing business locations, my health (which never seems to be regulated), the constant stress and unknown of if we will be moving over the summer, etc. But I just haven't felt at peace.

I really don't know what it will take for me to feel content. I don't think I have ever been content. I feel like if there is a straight line to walk, I will always manage to go in a zig-zag motion. Also, the "down time" of the sales season, that fall off right after the holiday rush of crazy business, really has affected my confidence.

Which I know is silly. Because Gingiber is doing well enough. I am driving my business. Creating products that I am proud of. Nathan is finally being paid a small salary now that he is graduated. So some of the financial burden has been lifted.

But still I feel like my business and my identity have intertwined with one another. I think that I need to figure out how to love myself. Whether or not Gingiber is thriving. And loving myself is hard. Like many creatives I know, I am very hard on myself. I hold myself to this impossible standard. I am critical of myself and pick apart my own flaws. Even in times of plenty.

Well, somehow this turned into an essay on "Stacie's emotions". Sorry about that. But if you will indulge me, every once and a while I like to share something that seems more real. And to be vulnerable. Often the people around me just see "Stacie, the girl who has a rocking Etsy shop" and I feel like people think that is all that I am. Or maybe that is how I feel about myself. And I am projecting it onto others.

Thanks for being here. I won't write like this too often, I promise,


February 11, 2013

52 Weeks of Dogs Has Its Own Website!

That is the URL of my 2013 illustration project's new home! I've decided that the best way to direct people to this fun project is to give it a proper home :) So from now on be sure to bookmark 52weeksofdogs.com to keep up with the project.

I've also added a link on the sidebar to this new website, in case you forget the URL :)

Tell your friends!


February 10, 2013

Instagram Flash Sale: Tuesday February 12th @ 7 PM

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know about a Gingiber Instagram flash sale happening this Tuesday, February 12th at 7 PM Central time. These prices will be LOW! Like close to wholesale prices!

Product Available:
  • 2013 Owl Calendars
  • 2013 Bear Calendars
  • "Oopsie" Animal Pillows (thin backing fabric, small blemishes, etc)
  • A small selection of toddler shirts
How It Will Work:
  • I will post a picture of the product and price on Instagram. The 1st person to comment with their email address wins the item.
  • I will invoice the winning email address via PayPal
  • Winner has 24 hours to pay their invoice
  • Shipping will be $3 US & $8 Canada (sorry shipping is too expensive to offer internationally)
  • Winner will be determined by the 1st comment to appear on the IG FEED
Instagram User Name: Gingiber
  • I know not everyone has an Instagram Account. But this is just one of the many fun ways that I would like to try to clear out excess inventory. If you cannot participate in this sale, I am always running specials in the shop and occasionally offer coupon codes. Thanks for understanding.
I hope to see you all there Tuesday evening!


A "Beary" Cozy Pullover

Sorry for the extra large picture of me, but I wanted to show you something I did just for fun! That's my January Bear illustration, printed mega large onto a very cozy American Apparel pullover. 

My amazing pal Beca of Tumbleweeds (yeah, she & Doug makes those AMAZING veneered sunglasses) suggested back in January that she would buy like a million pullovers with my illustrations on them :) But I am not really pursuing Gingiber clothing at the moment. So I compromised and asked my amazing screenprinters at Orchard Street Press to make a small run of these bear pullovers. 

So now Beca and I are rocking some Gingiber clothing. You can view her rocking the Gingiber Bear Pullover by clicking here.

Anyways, I would like to get to posting more regularly over here. 

Thanks for stopping by!


February 8, 2013

52 Weeks of Dog Illustrations: Week 6: Beagle

 This week's dog illustration is a Beagle.

Enter to win this week's illustration by leaving a comment on this blog post (US Entries Only)! The winner will be announced next week along with week 6's illustration! 
This Week's Giveaway Winner: Mari 

Mari please get in touch with me by sending an email to gingiberdesign (at) gmail (dot) com to claim your prize!

picked via random.org 

February 2, 2013

Brand New: Gingiber Posters

 Gingiber posters are here! 6 of our most popular illustrations are now available as 16x20 Fine Art Giclée Prints. They officially launch on Monday, but I wanted to go ahead and give my blog readers the 1st chance to view our newest collection. I hope that you love them as much as I do!

February 1, 2013

52 Weeks of Dog Illustrations: Week 5: Greyhound

This week's dog illustration is a long legged Italian Greyhound. 

Several months ago I participated in a show at Shindig Paperie here in Fayetteville, AR. I had a very enthusiastic dog lover put the idea of drawing dog breeds into my head. She desperately wanted to see a Greyhound. She said that they are extremely underrepresented in the dog art arena. 

So, sweet lady that I met at Shindig (I've forgotten your name) this is dedicated to YOU! 

Enter to win this week's illustration by leaving a comment on this blog post! The winner will be announced next week along with week 5's illustration! 

This Week's Giveaway Winner: Alyssa Samuel 

Alyssa please get in touch with me by sending an email to gingiberdesign (at) gmail (dot) com to claim your prize! 

picked via random.org 

I cannot believe that I am already in my 2nd month of my 52 week challenge. I will be honest, I am working ahead when I can to make sure that every week I have a fresh pup to show you. Thanks for following along! 
