Yesterday was my half-birthday, and apparently I was late to the party, because I only remembered it today! It is not like we would actually celebrate my half birthday, but it would have been a great excuse for a cake! I thought since I am 6 months away from 26, it would be a great time to check in on that oh so distant "26 Before 26" list that I made in January, and see what I have yet to accomplish! So, here's the list, with a status update for each line! It is wordy, so be warned!
- 1. Launch a developing (but still secret) business venture: I guess I let the ball drop on this one? I had this really strong vision for a website to develop, but somehow lost the confidence and focus to launch it! Maybe I will muster up the courage to try again!
- 2. Dye my hair blonde (much more blonde than the subdle highlights I have been sporting as of late): Guess what? Blonde hair = more money! Instead I have gone a lovely shade of dark brown :)

(I am a total nerd in iphone pictures! hahaha)
- 3. Save more money: We are saving money, but definitely have a long ways to go!
- 4. Read a great book (I have not picked up a book in AGES): I got "Bossy Pants" for Mother's Day, and have officially read 2 pages. I have 6 months to finish this book!
- 5. Invest in friendships (time =
moneystronger friendships): I think that this is actually happening! I am making friends with some lovely ladies here in NWA! Hoping to build lifelong friendships!
- 6. Sell our Springfield, MO home (that one may be out of my hands, but still it is a goal): SOLD
- 7. Plan a 5 year anniversary trip with Nathan: We could not find a sitter for Violet, and our anniversary is this Thursday. Maybe next year?
- 8. Eat more veggies (cheese is not a vegetable, apparently): Um, I have successfully purchased a head of broccoli every month since I made this goal. I have yet to eat any of these heads of broccoli. Thus the awful smell bellowing out of my refrigerator!
- 9. Expand the Gingiber Product Line: I've added some new product, but need to step it up!
- 10. Play a round of golf (I used to play on my men's golf team in high school): Fail.
- 11. Start a great skin care regiment (I never EVER wash my face before going to bed): I bought some Burt's Bees skin cleaner. It is great! But, pregnancy has done a number on my face!
- 12. Make more time for dates with Nathan: We have been going on lunch dates! Fun stuff!
- 13. Organize and donate items in my garage (I want to de-clutter my life): We have taken at least 4 car loads of donations to the Goodwill so far this year!
- 14. Volunteer for some community organization: Gotta find something to volunteer for!
- 15. Have a more positive outlook on life (Hi, my name is Debbie Downer, blargh): I think that I have been a little more positive this year! Really expecting great things in my family's future!
- 16. Find some new TV shows to watch (I've watch every episode of Gilmore Girls at least 10 times): Oh Nathan and I watched Downton Abbey yesterday on Netflix! 7 episodes of period drama! Soooo good! Nathan really liked it and has been talking about it all day!
- 17. Get the windshield replaced in my Honda (There has been a crack in the windshield for 4 years): There is now an new crack in this windshield, but we are getting it replaced this month!
- 18. Spend more time with my sister and her soon to be born daughter, Charis: Done and done! I have seen my family so much in the past few months!
- 19. Spend more time with ALL family, for that matter. Yes, I am talking to you, Texas family! We are flying to Lubbock, Texas SOON to see my family! My little heart is so excited!
- 20. Invest in some properly fitting clothing, and finally throw out those size 8 jeans: I did buy some properly fitting clothes. Then I got pregnant. Now said clothes are being replaced by empire waist dresses and elastic waist pants :)
- 21. Sketch more for me, not just for my business (it is quite therapeutic): Done!
- 22. Help Nathan search for jobs as we approach graduation: We have decided to expend our stay in NWA by an additional year to give Nathan more time to finish his degree.
- 23. Begin *thinking* about expanding our little family (this cannot happen until Nathan graduates): We decided to start this a little earlier since Nathan is taking an additional year for grad school. I really did not want my kids to be 5+ years apart. So excited for baby Bloomfield to be here in November!
- 24. Get a family photo taken (we have never had one made): Thanks to my pal Amber, we have some lovely family photos, which I should post on the blog!
- 25. Start taking Violet to the park: We have taken her a handful of times, but she is really hard to keep up with at the park! She loves that slide, let me tell ya!
- 26. Grow my wholesale and consignment business: I have added 4 new stores to the Gingiber wholesale and consignment side of my business this year! Thankful for business growth!
So there you have it. My long list has been updated, and I clearly need to get my head in the game if I want to accomplish some of these goals! I know this was a real word heavy post. But, keep me on track, pretty please?