Yesterday started with this little lady bug getting all dolled up for Valentine's Day!

She has started referring to herself as "Lady Bug" instead of Violet. So this dress was quite fitting!
Then I got a call from my sister saying that she was in LABOR! Nathan and I drove down to Tulsa to be there for the birth. The labor took a while, so we pulled an all nighter in the waiting room!
We were soooo tired (but obviously not as tired as my sweet sister!). Please note the giant bags under my eyes and Nathan's frizzed out hair.
But this little face is worth it! So proud of my sister, Angie, and her husband, Chad. They will be the most amazing parents! They balance each other perfectly, and I was so honored to be there for the birth.
Now Nathan and I have moved our Valentine's plans to Wednesday night. They will involve eating, and more eating, followed by cheesecake (which is currently in the oven!

I hope that you had an amazing Valentine's Day, too!