This week I got quite a bit done in the old bathroom.
First I removed all of the old handles from the cabinets (the cabinets are staying because I am not about to try and retrofit this odd little stall with storage and new counter tops). I cannot wait to go shopping for new handles!

If I had the money, I would purchase these from Anthropologie, but we will see what I can afford when push comes to shove!

Next came the fun part of ripping the old tile off of the walls. At first it was smooth sailing, as the tile had been applied over the original plaid wallpaper. However, about half way down the tiled part of the wall I found that the tile was glued directly to the drywall. I attempted to leave the tile around he shower door intact for the time being, but accidentally knocked one green tile off. I can re glue it if I need too!

Look at my awesome tile up close! Now can you see the nasty brown speckles? I cannot wait to brighten up this bathroom!

In all (including clean up) it took me about 2 hours to remove the tile. I still have to remove the tile around the toilet area, but that will have to wait until after Christmas. I've started looking at paint colors, mirrors, etc. But in all honesty, I am not sure which direction to go. So far we have not spent a dime, which makes me happy! We will see how far we can stretch our money from here on out!