Who Are They: The New York via Florida band was originally just for fun, but now last September released their EP Summertime and have gotten a lot of attention. Their music is a cross between The Beach Boys and 80s new wave ... all wrapped up in a big chew bubble gum pop sound that's super catchy and just a lot of fun. You might have heard something like them before, but when you play that first track and let the bright sunshine popsicle happiness flood your car ... who cares?
Let's Go Surfing
[ And they have awesome concert posters ]
Favorite Songs: The Summertime EP is only composed of seven tracks (hopefully there will be a full album out soon!) and all of them are equally entertaining. My absolute favorites are Let's Go Surfing and Make You Mine
Make You Mine
Makes Me Think Of/ Feels Like: Last day of school, blonde california mop tops, and squirt guns (the bazooka kind yessssss!)
Source: The witty design of Pope Saint Victor, the photography of Superbomba, and The 80s Dating Video i had to put somewhere. So buy the EP, put on a bathing suit, and head for a coast. It doesn't matter how far away the beach might be, The Drum's will get you there.