Hello! It is my privilege to introduce you to one of my favorite artists and fellow doodler, Amy Blackwell. I first discovered Amy around the holidays via a decor8 "Take Five Tuesday". Boy am I glad that I found her!
Amy's work embodies all of the things that I love: an identifiable personal style, rich, crisp color schemes, and a quirky narrative (who doesn't love shifty eyed badgers and animals who wear top hats?)

Amy was so kind as to participate in an artist interview for my little blog!
Artsy Questions:
Tell me a bit about your background with doodling. How did you get started?
Tell me a bit about your background with doodling. How did you get started?
I think it was as simple as picking up a pen. I took a big chunk of time off making anything art related after my degree and then one day it felt like the right time to start a new project, so I went out and purchased a sketchbook and some lovely muji pens. It’s always nice to have an excuse to go nuts in the muji stationary section... so many colours... so shiny...
Do you doodle full time or is it a side job?
Doodling is something I do on the side. By day I doodle and by night I show films in a Cinema. And when I’m not doodling or showing films or both then I’m probably sat drinking a cup of tea talking nonsense at someone. That pretty much sums up my average day. Describe your workspace.
Currently my workspace is a printer, a box of envelopes (varying in size), some card making materials, pens, big colourful sticky tape, paper, an empty stapler and some digital scales all neatly piled up in the living room waiting for me to either trip over them or put them to good use. Sometimes both. I’m in-between work spaces at the minute so my stuff it slowly taking over the living room - this will change though VERY soon. I hope. Fingers crossed.
Amy's Current Workspace
What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of being an independent artist?
Now for some random fun questions!
Where are you from?
I’m originally from Derby. I moved to Nottingham when I was 19 for educational purposes and I’ve been here ever since. I still go back to Derby though, I like Derby. But Nottingham is where I live work and play pretty much.Where are you from?
What is your favorite movie?
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to all sorts. My roots are in rock but recently I’m enjoying more bleepy electro stuff. I like a lot of classical too especially miserable film scores. I collect those. A lot of the ‘new’ music I’ve recently purchased was discovered on adverts, trailers and soundtracks. That says I probably need to go out and play more.What is your biggest pet peeve?
What advice do you have for fellow doodlers?
Keep on doodling! and treat yourself to a gingerbread latte once in a while. It’s nice to have a bit of that Christmas feel scattered throughout the year, sigh I love gingerbread... Miss Amy Blackwell
There you have it! I hope that everyone takes a moment to browse Amy's etsy and personal website amyblackwell.co.uk!