So some people (including myself) used to think that it was lame to fill out a survey about yourself and post it....
1. Where is your cell phone:
On my desk.... I am awkward at talking on the phone...
It is an utter disaster! I went to get my hair cut and colored. The stylist (I use that term loosely) refused to color it the way I wanted it). Now I have a "mom" haircut....
3. Your mother:
Works so hard to make a better life for herself. And she loves my daughter so much!
4. Your father:
Pretty funny fellow. Member of club "Beefy Boy" (note: you would have to be a family member to understand that reference).
5. Your favorite food:
5. Your favorite food:
Recently all I want is coconut shrimp from Red Lobster.
6. Your dream from last night:
I did not have any dreams..but my hubby dreamed that it was illegal to have pets...
7. Your favorite drink:
8. Your dream/goal:
To make a living drawing and illustrating. Oh, and to live overseas at some point in my life!
9. What room are you in:
Um my husband's office. Sorry, no pictures of my home....10. What is your hobby:
(I wish this was my sewing machine!)
I draw, pretend to sew, cook on occasion. 11. What is your fear:
That I will not invest my money wisely and end up broke...
12. Where were you last night:
Sitting at home watching "Gilmore Girls" in DVD. Lauren Graham is a goddess, and I am convinced that if we ever me we would be best friends....13. Something you are not:
I cannot tell a lie! Seriously, I get all weird-faced and fidgety if I try to fib.14. Muffins:

15. Wish list items:
*Remodeled bathroom *Loose 15 pounds
*A new wardrobe for my -15 pound body.
16. Where did you grow up:
Springfield, Mo (and I miss it a great deal). 18. What are you wearing:
Striped cardigan, green shirt, jeans, and blue plaid flats.
Striped cardigan, green shirt, jeans, and blue plaid flats.
19. Your TV:
Is new and only gets 5 channels. I am not paying for cable. 21. Your friends:
Are few and far between. But I love them so much! 22. Your life:
Is better than I make it out to be in my head. 23. Your mood:
Sad. Waiting for my Mac Book to come home to me... 24. Missing someone:
Hmmm... I miss all of my friends! Especially Jenna and Laura! 26. Something you’re not wearing:
Makeup 27. Your favorite store:
Anthropologie (I wish I could afford it!) 28. Your favorite color:
(photo credit: Jenna Garrett)
I used to be all about green. Green everything! 29. When’s the last time you laughed:
It has been too long. Someone tell me a knock knock joke! 30. When’s the last time you cried:
When I got my hair cut on Thursday.... 31. Your best friend:
My husband. He's really nice and can handle is silly woman. 32. One place you go over and over:
To the bathroom... kidding... unless you know me... 33. One person who emails me regularly:
Jenna. We try to cheer each other up with our silly e-mails. 34. Favorite place to eat:
I think I need to find a place that I like in Arkansas. The only restaurant that comes to mind is in Springfield "Nonna's"35. Where do you want to be in 6 years:
I want to live somewhere like Germany or Austin or anywhere that is not Arkansas (I know that was all over the place). I want to be working from home drawing and taking care of my kiddos (I do plan to have at least one more within the next 6 years). I want to be healthy and see my husband succeed as an amazing Math Professor.Wow. If you read that whole thing, I commend you.
(images not credited are from weheartit)